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How long does each session last?

Each session lasts 50 minutes, and is taken at your own pace.

How often do we see each other?

This is a very personal decision based on your needs, budget, and lifestyle. Most clients see me weekly or fortnightly, but some see me three weekly or even monthly.

How many sessions will we have together?

My style is 'open-ended', meaning that we have as many sessions as feels right for you. By setting goals together, this keeps us both accountable for the work we do in the room together!

What are your rates?

Initial Appointments for Adults (18+) are £90, and each ongoing session is £120. Initial Appointments for Adolescents (15 - 17) are £120, and each ongoing session is £180. 

Do you offer Concessionary rates?

I do not offer concessionary rates at this time, however, Beat is a fantastic resource if you are ever in need, and have a wealth of free information, advice, and services;


Are you seeing clients in person?

I have now returned to blended therapy both in person, and online.

Do you work with clients out with Edinburgh?

I collaborate with clients across the U.K via a secure video platform for both short and long term therapy.


At this time, I do not work with clients based outwith the U.K.

Who do you work with?

I work with clients and patients 15 years old and over, presenting with diagnoses and symptoms of Avoidant or Restrictive Eating (ARFID), Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Body Dysmorphia, Emotional Overeating, Muscle Dysmorphia, Obesity, Over-Exercise, Orthorexia, Yo-Yo Dieting, as well as challenges which cannot be classified with a standardised label. I do not currently work with Anorexia Nervosa or those with Personality Disorders.

You have a Waiting List, how long will it take to be seen?

As my style is 'open-ended' (see above), this means I can never give a definitive answer to how long you would stay on the waiting list. However, clients do recover and move on, so the wait would not be infinite! I always encourage any client on the Waiting List to seek alternative help if they need it at;


Your Waiting List is closed, can you tell me when it reopens?

Unfortunately not, as this simply creates another Waiting List!


If you do require support imminently, the Beat Helpfinder has some wonderful services and practitioners to connect with;




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